Random Musings On My 35th Birthday
I'm 35 today (you can find my Amazon wishlist directly to the right -- just in case you want to send me something). Did you know Jerry Maguire was 35 when he wrote that big manifesto that triggered his lifechange? Jerry Macguire is a fictional character for those of you who don't know (played by Tom Cruise in the movie). His statement was called The Things We Think and Do Not Say. I'm his age now, and I wonder about the things I think but do not say. Most of it, I'm sure should be kept to myself. But, still I wonder....
I'm not prepared to make any kind of officialy statement. Perhaps some time this year it'll come to me as I sit in some hotel in a major city. I do feel something percolating deep in my brain.
Until it erupts, I'll keep plugging along here on the blog. I've really been overwhelmed at how many people -- people I don't know -- people I've never heard of read this and send comments and email. Now if only you people would send money!
I have two things to ask you, one thing to share with you, and then my wife and I are going to dinner and a movie without the girls.
First, Conrad Gempf has written a marvelous, little book called Jesus Asked. It's really a great book, and Conrad is one of those rarest of birds. He's an academic with a sense of humor. Please go buy this book.
Okay, here's something for those of you with kids aged 5-10. I help produce a monthly CD for kids and their parents called FamilyTimes. It's fun to listen to and has some stuff that will educate parents. It has bedtime stories and a bunch of other helpful things. It costs $12.45 a month, and we'll mail it directly to your house. You can get more info by going to the FamilyWise website.
Finally, I try to periodically share with you things my kids say that are either fall-on-the-floor funny or rip-your-heart-out cute. My youngest daughter Amelia has had an allergic reaction to the medication they gave her for pneumonia. She's broken out in hives. Somehow Eliza thought that maybe this was "Chicken Pops". When asked how one gets "chicken pops", she said, "From eating too much chicken."